Using Hypnosis to Stop Smoking Successfully


When you see Ellen DeGeneres use hypnosis to stop smoking on television, you notice. Same when Matt Damon boasts on late-night TV about using hypnosis to stop. Also when comedienne Chelsea Handler confesses that she was so hooked she once paid someone $500 to deliver smokes to her doorstep but quit with hypnosis.

And when you hear that two-thirds of students in a smoking study quit after nine weeks of hypnosis and packs-bought decreased, you think: I should try this.

Yes, both celebrities (which makes it fun) and research (which makes it legit) tell us that hypnotherapy for smoking works. Great news for this super hard-to-kick habit!

But how does hypnosis do the trick exactly and how can I get hypnotized so it works, you ask?

We’ve put together some answers to your questions on how to quit smoking with hypnosis. Keep reading to see how it works and then give it a go.

How Hypnosis Works

Hypnosis isn’t at all what you imagine based on magic shows and TV. You won’t suddenly and unconsciously burst into song and dance or start juggling pine cones.

The basic gist of actual hypnosis is to get you to a very relaxed state so protective walls come down and you can let the right thoughts in.

To stop smoking, you want to be able to imagine that you can quit and believe that you don’t need cigarettes to be happy and live your cool life.

You may start to believe that you don’t even like cigarettes that much. And that your identity isn’t all about smoking.

These are the good thoughts that allow you to quit with ease and success.

The Basics

Let’s go through the basic steps. A professional hypnotherapist can easily guide you through.

First, you get to the state of relaxation. Techniques often include breathing exercises, calming sounds, and guided visualization. The hypnotist might guide you down an imaginary path with a quiet voice until you feel safe and calm.

Second, the hypnotherapist prompts thoughts and ideas that let you imagine yourself smoke-free and happy. In this relaxed state, you can take these new ideas in and you can see yourself happier and better without those yucky nicotine sticks.

Third, you continue to focus on these new images in your mind. In this relaxed state, your mind is free of clutter and you can really hone in on seeing yourself clearly as a happy non-smoker. You look amazing.

Why It’s So Hard to Quit

Cigarettes are a habit that have a physical and psychological affect over you. This makes it hard to quit with the one-two punch. Your body feels discomfort when you quit your beloved habit. Also, you feel like you can’t do your life or be amazing without your smokes.

The Physical Habit

You get physically used to the nicotine in cigarettes. It’s a stimulant and releases epinephrine. This, in turn, releases glucose. It’s like a shot of adrenaline. It makes you feel good. But then when it’s gone, you feel bad. So you want more. Soon your body gets used to this extra epinephrine.

When stop your habit and there’s suddenly no more nicotine in your system, you feel worse.

How you might feel when you don’t smoke as much as usual:

  • Anxiousness
  • Can’t sit still
  • Can’t sleep
  • Irritability
  • Craving more nicotine
  • Unable to focus
  • Anger
  • Exhaustion
  • Feeling hungry
  • Headaches and stomach aches
  • Sadness

The good news is that these physical states pass in a few days, and you will start to get physical relief. Now, you can feel okay without the nicotine in your system. The habit is broken.

The Psychological/Emotional Habit

You get emotionally/psychologically hooked on the empowering and feel-good sense you get from the nicotine in cigarettes. When that nicotine works to stimulate your central nervous system, you suddenly get a rush. Everything seems possible at that moment. You can focus better. You feel awake and alert. You also feel a little bit happier and assured.

And you start to realize that when you need to get that nicotine buzz, whether it be from stress or pressure or fear, your smokes have your back. You start to rely on them in those crunch moments and in your everyday routine.

Habit-entrenched Thoughts

Here’s what you might be thinking and feeling if you’re really into your habit:

  • I need my smoke break to relax so I can focus again
  • I fit in my clothes so much better when I smoke and I don’t want to get fat
  • I feel so much more social when I smoke and I love people so I need it
  • I don’t think I could get through this boredom and tedious work without my smoke breaks

And when you stop smoking, you feel bad physically. This reinforces these thoughts and you start to believe you need cigarettes to feel and be okay. They are now a part of who you are. You’re emotionally hooked.

This is where hypnosis comes in: to change these thoughts. It lets them sink in so you really believe them. Once you really believe, you’ll be fine without cigarettes, you no longer need them or want them.

Hypnosis Day and Onward

All it takes is one day of hypnosis if you go with a trained hypnotherapist with an awesome track record (like us).

Expect to come in, do the hypnosis work for 2.5 hours, and leave not wanting to smoke and actually not smoking. You’ll get homework. That means useful techniques that you can continue to do. Think self-hypnosis that you can use in all areas of your life. Think affirmations like “I am so happy not smoking,” “It’s so easy not to smoke,” or “I feel so energized and fresh when I’m smoke-free.”

We like to see you a few days later to see how you’re doing and help you reinforcement what you now know about yourself: You’re a non-smoker.  You can review your new home hypnosis practice.

Within the next three months, you can come in again to review your self-hypnosis practice and see how you can apply it in other areas of your life.

You’re Ready to Go With Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Now that you know the ins and outs and of how hypnosis to stop smoking works, it’s time for you to get started.

Think you’re not ready yet? That’s okay too. It works best if you want to quit and feel open to trying. At least you know where to find us.

Either way, give us a call with questions or to book an appointment to get started, or at least give it a go. We’re here to support you on your journey to a smoke-free you.

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